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Featuring a photo on your Idea page
Killian Alexandre avatar
Written by Killian Alexandre
Updated over a week ago

Social Innovator Admins can feature photos from the photo gallery in the "See what others have done" section on their Idea page.

Seeing how other projects have worked helps to inspire and encourage applicants to start their own!

If a user clicks on a photo they will be brought to the project page where the photo was posted. That is if the Project Leader has made their page public.

To feature a photo from the Photo Gallery, hover over the individual photo and click the star icon.

You can see those that you’ve featured by ticking Show featured.

To remove a photo from being featured just deselect the star icon. Any Admin on your Team can change which photos are featured.

If an applicant has set their project page to private you won’t be able to feature this photo and will see this message.

When you feature a photo, the Project Leader of that project will receive the below email which congratulates them on being featured and also lets them know how to remove their photo if they want to.

All applicants have agreed to ChangeX using their photos on the site and for marketing purposes when they agree to the terms and conditions but ChangeX still wants to give applicants the choice not to be featured.

Tips for choosing the right photos:

  1. Choose engaging action shots that show how a project worked. This will help applicants to visualise how their project could work. Colour is always a bonus!

  2. Choose a diverse set of photos showing how communities have adapted the idea to their unique context. This will mean that more people can relate to the photos.

  3. If your idea has been started by applicants in many different countries, choose examples from each country where possible. Again, so more people can relate to them.

  4. While the email sent to Project Leaders is designed to give them control over what content is featured, where children are involved, ChangeX advises to be sensitive when choosing photos to feature. We suggest choosing photos in which children are not facing the camera for privacy reasons.

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